meditate om

Kriya Yoga means union of body, mind and soul in each action of every moment. Paramahansa Yogananda
brought Kriya Yoga to the west - described in his famous book - Autobiography of a Yogi.

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Kriya Lineage

Kriya Yoga Links

Meditation Technique A very effective simple meditation

CSA Center for Spiritual Awareness Meditation Retreats in the mountains of Lakemont, GA

CSA Meditation Hall 360 degree, A Virtual Look

CSA of the High Country Boone, Banner Elk, NC Kriya Study

Center for Spiritual Enlightenment CSE San Jose - Ellen Grace O'Brian Director

Self-Realization Fellowship Founded in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda

Audio Meditation and more In Paramahansa Yogananda's voice

Kriya Yoga explained from Gita to Sutras Informative SRF Australia site

Prajnana Mission Website for India based Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya Yoga Italy English page of Italian based Kriya Site


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